Rento at the Loviisa Housing Fair 7 July – 6 August 2023

2023-06-21T08:46:06+02:00June 7, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Rento has made its way into the saunas and bathrooms of many great houses at the Loviisa Housing Fair. The Rento sauna product range is designed to create an authentic Finnish sauna experience and the harmony it brings with versatile and innovative sauna and bath products.  The products invest

Christmas sauna – an atmospheric way to start the Christmas celebrations

2022-12-07T14:10:43+02:00December 7, 2022|Categories: Artikkelit|Tags: , , , , |

Christmas sauna, which is a tradition originating in farming culture, is associated with plenty of traditions and beliefs. It was often considered the most important ritual leading up to Christmas in rural communities. The significance of the sauna among traditions is emphasized by its role as the place where

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